We are a small show kennel in a very busy household. With 4 Grandchildren, full time employment, the dog shows and performing the duties of a KC Breed Health Coordinator, we never seem to stop!!
Myself & Andy have always had dogs, we used to show Dobermann's until Andy had an accident at work losing his arm, this was a devastating time for us and we had a lot of help and encouragement from members of the midland Dobermann Club. Linda & Tony Fisher (lintoya) Diane & Wayne Smith-Marshall , Sue & Pete Mycroft (suepeta) Carole & Pete Smith & Rita & Keith Coleman, Who we thank sincerely.
Our journey with Shar Pei began with a visit to Joy & Richard Bayliss of Tianshan Shar Pei. We spent over two hours there and had a great time seeing all the adults. We went back when the puppies were 4 weeks old and we spent 4 hours there.
We then went over to collect Paris & Cruz at 8 weeks old. With Joy entrusting us & having confidence that Andy would be able to show again, off we were to the shows yet again.
We thought we would try and get back into the show ring and have a little fun WOW! what a time we have had.
We have a caravan now and take all our dogs with us to the shows, We have a brilliant time BBQ'S, wine, need I say more! All our dogs live indoors with us and have excellent temperaments.
Ashowai Shar Pei are not only our family, our life, but our DREAM!
We love to chat about our Shar Pei and welcome phone calls about available litters and for help and advise. Thank you for visiting our site & sharing in our dream.
Heather & Andy Morris
Ashowai Shar Pei loved and cherished for life!